Savory pudding with sesame bagel, cherry tomatoes, pesto & Cretan Xynomyzithra PDO

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3 sesame bagels (Thessalonikis)

100ml milk cream

100ml full fat milk

3 eggs

1 teaspoon salt

1 pinch pepper

300gr Cretan Xynomyzithra PDO Kalogeraki

3 fullspoons Prince Dessert with yoghurt culture Kalogeraki

250gr cherry tomatoes

2 fullspoons pesto

1/2 fullspoon olive oil



In a bowl mix milk, milk cream, salt, pepper and eggs.

Butter a heatproof pan ~20cm diameter, add the sesame bagels cut in pieces and verticaly in order to coat the inside part with Cretan Xynomyzithra PDO Kalogeraki mixed with Prince Dessert with yoghurt culture Kalogeraki. Keep a bit of this mixture for serving.

Cover the bagels with the mixture of milk, put an aluminumfoil on top of the pan and set aside for 30'.

Following, cut the cherry tomatoes and add them in between the bagels and slightly salt them.

Bake in a preheated oven in 180C for about 30'.

Serve hot by adding the pesto sauce as welll as the mixture of Xynomyzithra & yoghurt you kept earlier. Add the olive oil and enjoy!

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